Wasm Compilation

cw-orch was designed to help you test, deploy, script and maintain your application. None of its features include in-contract operations. cw-orch interfaces, macros and helpers can’t be used inside a wasm smart contract.

In case you use one of the cw-orch features inside you smart-contract, the compilation will send an error anyway, so that we are SURE you are not using un-intended features inside your contract.

Importing cw-orch

Importing cw-orch as a dependency in your smart contract is not a problem. We have built this library such that every feature that cw-orch imports, uses or exports is not included when compiled for Wasm. This means that you are safe to use any cw-orch feature when developing your application, creating interfaces, exporting features, because none of it will land in your contract.

In order to make sure you don’t encounter wasm compilation errors, you should follow the guidelines outlined in the next section.



Import cw-orch without a worry, this won’t include unnecessary dependencies and bloat your smart-contract. Be careful of the features you import cw-orch with because they might increase your compile time (especially daemon and osmosis-test-tube).


The interface macro itself compiles to Wasm to empty traits. So this macro can be used anywhere in your contract. This IS smart-contract safe:

#[interface(InstantiateMsg, ExecuteMsg, QueryMsg, MigrateMsg, id = CONTRACT_ID)]
pub struct CounterContract;

However, the Uploadable traits implementation IS NOT safe for smart contracts and needs to import namely cw-multi-test elements that we don’t remove from WASM compilation. The following code needs to be flagged to not be compiled inside Wasm contracts:

#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
impl<Chain> Uploadable for CounterContract<Chain> {
    /// Return the path to the wasm file corresponding to the contract
    fn wasm(&self) -> WasmPath {
    /// Returns a CosmWasm contract wrapper
    fn wrapper(&self) -> Box<dyn MockContract<Empty>> {

Entry Points

The entry points are easy to work with as they compile to empty traits inside Wasm. So you can define them, import and export them in your contract without having to care about compilation targets. Furthermore, those traits are optimized out when getting your contract ready to upload on a chain. The syntax use in the 2 following examples is WASM safe:

#[derive(cw_orch::ExecuteFns)] // Function generation
/// Execute methods for counter
pub enum ExecuteMsg {
    /// Increment count by one
    Increment {},
    /// Reset count
    Reset {
        /// Count value after reset
        count: i32,
pub use crate::msg::{ExecuteMsgFns as CounterExecuteMsgFns, QueryMsgFns as CounterQueryMsgFns};